2011 was the year !!!! Even in my wildest dreams I couldn't have imagined what the year had in store for me. But thank God for Jesus and the Holy Spirit cos I won't have survived otherwise. Heartbreak, illness, unfulfilled goals,problems at home....!!!
My blessing are innumerable however, and even if I had a million tongues I can't thank God enough. Daily testimonies...There is a lotta baggage and unresolved issues I thought I'd have gotten closure on before d year runs out but I'm still in limbo and its sooo frustrating.
But I'm finding peace with myself now, and things are not getting to me like before because I've realised that they are really unimportant. The year is ending on a good note, the past few days have been so much fun...
I thank God for everything, the miracles, his mercies, betrayals, thank him for life.
2011 was epic !!!! So many tears, revelations I couldn't fathom...I have no idea what 2012 will hold, but there are a few truths I've come to realise this year that I believe will help me cope regardless:
No Jesus, no nothing. Our walk with God is the most important thing in our lives, after all, eternity is not a joke. Besides, there are times in life when God is ALL we have left. Enough said!
The heart of man is truly desperately wicked, honestly I cannot overemphasize this. Its just best to put trust in God alone
Carpe diem - sieze the day. No waiting, no parking, no loitering, lol. But seriously, no arranging your life around people that have showed they are not worth it..... There's a question I once heard that got me thinking. "What would you do if failure wasn't an option?" If it was absolutely impossible for you to fail in an endeavour or action or vocation, what is that thing you've been putting off that you will do?
You never know...u just never know. You don't know what you will do until u are faced with a particular situation. You don't know if that seemingly happy couple are just putting up a public facade but one of them actually hates the other due to a previous grievance. You don't know if someone is secretly depressed, or even dropping hints which you ignored, and they commit suicide the next day....
Maybe the world will actually end in 2012 per the rumours, after all nobody knows the day right?
So have you really lived? Or are you just existing?
Happy New Year everyone!!!!
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